Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 29th 2008 - Goodbye 2008

Over the past, what is close to 365 days, I have gained so much knowledge, experience, wisdom, faith, dedication, commitment and enjoyment doing what I do. I had the pleasure to meet so many amazing people from all over and I was fortunate enough to be able to build a bond with the mast majority of them. Through photography, I was able to travel and see places I haven't seen, do things I haven't done and learn things I didn't know and I can't wait to see what 2009 will bring. I did more work with musicians this year than I have in the past and it was truly an experience. From doing 10 minute shoots before a show to traveling 10 hours in a day and shooting 8-9 hours of the same day to staying up for days straight living off Red Bull and left overs editing photos, I learned a lot about myself, my goals and my style.

I was blessed to work with the following artists and bands this year:
-A Kidnap In Color
-All Night Dynamite
-American Diary
-Aniston (x2)
-Aside Oceans
-A Verse Unsung
-The Cab
-Conditions (x2)
-The Downtown Fiction (x2)
-Five Cent Wing
-Haste The Day
-The Hint
-Hot Vegas
-The Jealousy Game
-Jonathan Timber
-Mercy Mercedes
-The Morning Of
-MyChildren MyBride
-Relic Revival
-Wrecking Season

Thanks to so many people for your help, support and courage! There are simply too many people to list, but you know who you are!

I look forward to this new year and I know it is going to be an amazing journey!


1 comment:

Keenan said...

don't forget the jonas brothers

keenan y.