Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12th 2008 - Breakin The Law!

While I was up in the D.C. area this past weekend, I did a shoot for a really awesome newish band who is already on the rise, The Downtown Fiction. Check them out when you get a chance.

We headed to Manassas to the national Battle Park. The band picked out the location and so we headed there and set up. It was a really beautiful Saturday and not too many people around. Right as I was starting to take some test shots, a off duty park ranger pulled up and, well, I will sum it up real quick; he asked us to leave. I talked to him a little bit and make my argument and he made his. My argument being that there were no signs anywhere on the premises and he argument that he ignorantly stated was as followed, "young man, there are no signs posted saying you can't kill someone, but that doesn't mean you can."

Unreal. So we got a ticket and we left.

Here is a quick video that Cameron of The Downtown Fiction took on his cell phone. It is short and most of the conversation is missing, but it is funny to see how pissed I was.

The shoot went well after that nonetheless!

The Yearling photos are done! I was stoked to see these printed and up in venues! You can check them out on their myspace as well.

1 comment:

Keenan said...

Dude, that yearling pic that I helped out with looks mega sweet, if you need me to help out again let me know.
