Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26

A couple amazing things are going on in the world of digital photography. When Nikon announced that their new d90 was going to be able to shoot video at 720p HD, it kinda struck me weird. I watched the Chase Jarvis video while he was out with his group doing the advance testing of this little beast and I was pretty impressed. I never really needed video capability in a DSLR, but after watching that, I started to reconsider my needs :). THEN, when the rumors of the 5D Mark II were brewing and I heard some insight about its video. Then I really became interested in what a DSLR can do with video. I watched the video that Vincent Laforet did and I was blown away! The amazing ability of it's 1080p H.264 live view movie mode for up to 12 minutes makes my whole body shake! I mean, come on, 25,600 ISO!?!?!? Insane.

Vincent Laforet is set to release RAW video clips of the film he did, Reverie today.

I have some serious thinking to do!

On another note, I have posted my first installment to my new project that I am working on, "Serve Us".

"Serve Us" is a project dedicated to those who serve us, our country, our families and loved ones. I started this project after I heard a woman debating about people such as cops, firefighters, armed forces personnel, etc. She stated that they should not risk their lives for others because it was selfish and put their own families in danger, if they passed away because of a fire, a shooting, war or any other unfortunate happenings.

I started with a firefighter from the City of Durham in North Carolina, Jeff.

Jeff - City of Durham Engine #2

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23

I just got back from Virginia this weekend for a shoot with a new band out of the mountains. This town was ridiculous. They had NOTHING! Although, it somewhat reminded me of the town I went to college in. It was peaceful and everyone was polite, with the exception of some crazy lady at Burger King. It was the most excitement this town had probably seen in months! Out of nowhere, we hear the lady at the register screaming, "get out of my restaurant!! get out! get out!" and the lady being to cuss her out and she starts yelling back and then declares that this whole episode is over the lady at the register shorting her $10!! Which I am almost positive it was a mistake. The lady at the register begins to dial the number for the cops and informs the other lady she is calling the cops and the the crazy lady replies with, "go ahead, oh go ahead, i'm ready for them! i'll be waiting outside and i'll make sure this place shuts down". Then, she tells all of us that we should never give the register lady our money because she'll steal it! Haha. So, the lady goes outside and jumps in her car as fast as she can and leaves. It was rather entertaining. You probably had be there!

Anyway, here is a camera phone snapshot of the mountains we shot in!

It was beautiful up there. We shot from about 3-6 and the temperature probably dropped a good 20 degrees in that time. It was freezing by the time we left! I sometimes miss the mountains. Hopefully I will have a few more shoots in the mountains somewhere before winter so I can see the leaves change!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18

I really need to work on keeping up with this blog!

Yesterday was my shoot with HORSE the Band. Well, was supposed to be my shoot until we got rain that poured down for a good 2 or 3 hours and left my location nearly flooded. We waited it out and by the time it stopped, it was time for the guys to get ready for their show. While they played, I went out around Raleigh to find a place for us to shoot inside. Seems easy right? Well, Raleigh is one of those places that everything closes at 5 or 7pm. I was left with nothing and the fact they didn't finish until way late, we had to cancel. I am still extremely bummed out about this!

On a happier note, I am getting ready to purchase some new studio gear! I am trying to consolidate as much as I can. I've been shopping for a new source of power and I think I have fell in love with the Tronix Explorer XT
. A generator is just too large. I would rather have four of these guys and be able to put out 4800 watts rather than one huge generator running off gasoline and only puts out 2500 watts.

If you haven't already read/heard about the Jill Greenburg controversy, you should go read it. You can read about it over at

I'm off to Virginia tomorrow for a shoot. Expect fun things!